
X-Men vids:

1. Shelter (High-8.07MBs)
Creation Date: June 2003
Fandom: X-Men: Evolution
Song: Shelter- Sarah McLaughlin
Summary/Notes: This is a hurt/comfort sort of vid, with some angst and some rescues thrown in there to fit the song. Oddly enough, it seems Cyclops is the perfect H/C target for the series writers, so content is a bit slanted his way unintentially. This is my first X-Men vid.

2. Keep it to Yourself (available upon request)
Creation Date: June 2003
Fandom: X-Men: Evolution
Song: My Life- Billy Joel
Summary/Notes: This is a maily Logan-attitude vid, though I threw in Lance and Hank because I love them and couldn't resist :-) Basically it's how the lone wolverine tries but never really gets left alone, which is probably a good thing.

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